Are you a self declared planner? For as long as I can remember, I have been a "planner." I like to know what is going on the next hour, day, weekend, month, year...! Planning has been my means of staying in control of my life. Planning for the life of a college student was easy. Professors would pass out the syllabus at the beginning of the semester and I knew what I had going on every week/weekend for the next 16 weeks. After receiving the syllabus, everything else I had going on or wanted to do just fell into place. I was also able to plan for each day much easier as a college student. My class schedule rarely changed and if/when it did, it just meant a class was going to be cancelled. I would look for the next semester's course list to come out weeks before the semester even began so I could get a grip on what my schedule was going to be for the following semester. The same goes for income in college. I knew when and how much was going to be deposited into my account all the time. Even though it wasn't ever much, I always knew where I stood.
Substitute teaching is a whole new ball game!!! Planning as I was once able to is no longer possible, and the adjustment is rather challenging! So far, all of my sub days have been prearranged at least the night before. Until about 6:30am, I truly don't know what my day will bring if I'm not already subbing. I truly do enjoy subbing. I love getting to experience different grade levels and different combinations of students. I also love learning different things from the different teachers I sub for or sub with. I am so fortunate to have been able to have such rewarding subbing experience thus far. Adjusting to not knowing whether or not I'll be working next week is the only issue I have encountered. I think it would be different if I wasn't a mother. I have daycare, preschool, and transportation issues to consider in all of this. Luckily, I am surrounded by family who basically have an "on-call" status as to whether or not I need them to take Carson to/from preschool. Also, I am sooooooooooo fortunate to have the world's best daycare provider who I know I can take Carson there unexpectedly and she'd be fine. Without these two aspects, I couldn't sub.
Luckily, I have the rest of the week planned as I am subbing every day. Unfortunately, so far, I have nothing THAT I KNOW OF next week. This game is getting old all too soon. It's going to be a long few months if I keep up this attitude...!
Why does planning have such an effect on us? There is so much more to life than knowing what is coming next. Does being a planner take away from our appreciation of the little things that can occur out of the blue?
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