Like most kids, Carson loves birthdays, no matter whose birthday it is. I have never been one that gets too excited about my own birthday. I do, however, enjoy celebrating other people's birthday. Whether it be sending a card, giving a gift, or just getting together, I enjoying seeing the glowing radiance beaming from the smile of the birthday girl or boy. Carson is the same way. Like most 3 year-olds, his favorite part of anyone's birthday (including his own, I think) has to be blowing out the candles and making a mess out of the cake. He's no dummy! Today, February 11th is my mom's __th birthday! (She was born in 1964. You can do the math. This way I can't get in trouble for revealing her actual age. Haha!) We get together for dinner for everyone's birthday, whether it be at home or a restaurant. Grandma is usually (always) the cook for "home" dinners, so since they're gone, she decided to go to Texas Roadhouse. Due to crazy schedules, we had her birthday dinner last night and spent the night at her house afterwards. Below are a few scenes from the evening. Also included is Carson's rendition of "Happy Birthday." I think it is obvious how much Carson really did enjoy celebrating his "Bramma Lisa's" birthday. He has a great deal of love for her, and I know she accepts that as the best gift of all.

There was a song on that Carson thought he needed to dance in his seat to.
Approximately half the candles we really needed... ;)
"Happy Birthday to you..."
Someone's excited to have a bite...!
We tried to surprise Bramma Lisa with these flowers at work today... To say the least, it didn't work out as she was out to lunch when we arrived.
Happy Birthday, Mom! I know it may be hard to believe at times, but we really do appreciate you and all that you do. Although it hasn't always gone as planned, I feel truly blessed to have had the childhood I was given. I am also grateful to have you as a mother because it has helped me be the mother that I am. You are a wonderful grandma and the mutual joy that you and Carson bring each other is obvious. I know my accomplishments in the past few years wouldn't have been possible without your love and support. Thanks for all you do. Hope your day was as great as you are. Wishing you many more years of happiness and joy.
Lots of love and prayers,
Anna and Carson (and Emily too, I know she feels the same :o) )
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